Thursday, July 12, 2007
/ 7/12/2007 04:38:00 PM
So I hear some --nay, lots-- of people are having problems with Tomcat for the IPRG Project 2. Well yeah. Tom's a pussy. Jerrymouse owns Tomcat every episode, so you guys shouldn't have expected much from that idiot amiright?
Seriously though. If you guys want to just fuck Tomcat up for being such a dick (don't really do it though. Zoophilia is nasty :/), try JSWDK instead. <-- first one top down
It's much easier to use, by personal experience, than Tompussy. Just download the file, unzip, put your HTML and CLASS file in the right places, and startserver.bat and hey presto! Specifically, your HTML files will go into the \webpages\ folder, while your CLASS files go into the \webpages\WEB-INF\servlets\ one. With that, startserver.dat and go to http://localhost:8080/[HTML FileName].hmtl and that should work.
As for how to work on Parts 2 and 3? Look into Module Docs > Lectures > Examples > > JDBCServletText.html for the answer!! Nah, just kidding. But it's a good example of what to copy from for Part 3 at least. Just study the code and modify accordingly. If you've been paying attention to the PPT slides you will know what to change. As for Part 2, go back and read up on JDBC > SQL Statements for how to do queries instead of updates.
Seriously. Part 2 and 3 are real simple once you get the server working and know where to copy from. [insert customary goodluck/loveyer comment]
This was Captain Iownyouallatjavalol speaking. Hope you all failpass with flying pigscolors.
PS: Pardon my french <____<