Sunday, April 1, 2007
/ 4/01/2007 02:58:00 AM
Lack of sleep drives me mad.
Anyways, GEMS registration is tomorrow (past midnight = 4/1 right now). 2B21 can't even choose their mornings since Monday doesn't even begin till 1pm, and both T days are occupied, so I'mma just gonna go by Wednesday and Friday's afternoon timeslots (1pm-3pm), of which both 2B21 and 2B25 have 1 hour's break for.
2B21's Wednesdays and Fridays are both taken from morning to afternoon anyways, but 2B25 has Wednesday's 8-10 off. Now I don't know if you people who want to take the Mathematical Puzzles GEMS prefer Wednesdays or Fridays because I sure as hell can't read your minds and it's getting really hard to catch each and everyone of you [insert random angry word here]s online at the same time so this will only be for people who see this.
Personally I'd pick Friday for the GEMS because I'd like at least one fully relaxing day each week. If no one has a different opinion let's just all aim to grab hold of a position for Friday's T1A48 class. The other Friday class's all the way up hill at T18. Between MacDonald and the sight of girls from the Business Block, I'll take food any day.
Summary: GEMS Selection: Mathematical Games and Puzzles (MS001S) Time Slot: Friday 1pm-3pm Location: T1A48 Seats: 40
--by: Justin Frustrate Mode